Archive for June, 2009

Mountain Meadows’ Mellow Yellow

Mountain Meadows’ Mellow Yellow

Valerie Solheim

Beekeeping is like falling in love with 30, 40, 50,000 girls.  Setting up the two hives right after our big April snow was a little sloppy, but how else do you become an “experienced” beekeeper?  Prior to set-up one must choose the right space, sunshine with afternoon shade, wind and cold weather protection; i.e., rocks, shrubs, walls, available water and electricity.   Then the electric fence goes up for protection.  It’s the bee protein they are after not the honey!

After “hiving” the packaged bees, I was both initiated and inoculated or visa versa; stung twice. It wasn’t my singing they objected to, but on bad weather days, leave them alone.

Professionally, I am a frequency therapist.  I realized I could use frequencies, bee frequencies and harmonic frequencies, to maintain healthy energized bees.  For this purpose I went to Hawaii to record healthy well-fed bees.  Hawaiian bees have a great variety of food sources, less exposure to pesticides and are relatively pest free.  And, Hawaiian beekeepers are largely organic beekeepers.

To make the recording,  we dangled the microphone inside the hive and placed a Harmonizer on top of the hive to clear the environment and to calm and energize the bees.  From the recording, we created two CDs, one for bees, Bees Healing Bees, and one for us, Bees Healing Beings.

Presently I have two hives, Joy Luck Club and Gold Hill and a third under construction.  One month after installation, I am happy to report that the girls are doing fabulously!  My bee mentor and his daughter came to inspect my hives in full dress, however, the girls were so easy that gloves and veil were soon dispensed with and it was “hands on” in lifting out the comb frames and probing the cells for a taste of fresh warm honey!

“It was fun to come and see your bees.  They looked healthy and [are] doing what they’re supposed to do: storing honey and pollen and raising brood.  The population will increase and you’ll see more and more activity at the hive.  They’re ready for their second brood box.  They are certainly the mellowest bees I’ve ever worked with.”  They are also ahead of schedule.

Since start-up, I’ve researched organic beekeeping practices, harmonic frequencies and natural hives.  I’m happy to share my information and experience and learn from yours.  Check and we’ll blog.

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